
This page has acknowledgements of authors and contributors.

A heartfelt thank you and acknowledgment to all the people that helped and supported me by creating lesson plans, brainstorming, editing, and organizing the content of this book. 

Kelly Woods 
Claudia Mencarelli 
Maria Summers
Allison Baker 
Dani Orgeta 
Carolee Rogers 
Mandy Case 
Amy McDonald 
Estelle Bookwalter 
Jessica Barker 
Suzanne Rice 
Shannon Rindlisbacher 
Kayue Chan
Lauren Smith 
Joclyn Ward
Corinne Phillips  

An extra special thank you to my committee for coming up with this idea, giving feedback, and supporting me through this journey.  

Dr. Dan Dewey 
Dr. Ben McMurry 
Dr. Matt Baker 

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