Answer Key

The Writing Process


  1. EXERCISE: Choose a focus (Answers will vary, examples provided)

    1. America and Japan have very different traditional food.
    2. It is important for everyone to have a hobby that helps them be physically active.
    3. The creation and use of robots will have a big impact on the future.
  2. EXERCISE: Identify topic sentences and thesis statements

    1. TS
    2. TH
    3. TS
  3. EXERCISE: Evaluate and revise outlines

    1. Prompt: What are some advantages of living in the city?
      1. This is an ok thesis
      2. Too general for a topic sentence
      3. Not clearly related to thesis (advantage of living in a city)
    2. Prompt: How has technology changed our lives?
      1. This is an ok thesis
      2. This is an ok topic sentence
      3. This is an ok topic sentence
    3. Prompt: Should schools require students to take tests?
      1. Too general
      2. This is an ok topic sentence
      3. This is an ok topic sentence
    4. Prompt: What animals make the best kind of pet?
      1. This is an ok thesis
      2. Too general
      3. Not clearly related to thesis (best pet)
  4. EXERCISE: Create an outline

    1. Answers will vary, no exxample provided

Introduction to Academic Essays

Organization: Introduction Paragraphs

  1. EXERCISE: Identify hooks and general topics

    1. Hook: fact, General topic: student stress
    2. Hook: problem, General topic: successful business people
  2. EXERCISE: Analyze a thesis

    1. yes
    2. yes
    3. no
    4. no
    5. It is the right level of specificity
    6. stated
  3. EXERCISE: Identify effective thesis statements

    1. Describe your city
      1. No, announces
      2. X
    2. What are the qualities of an influential leader?
      1. X
      2. X
    3. How can young adults overcome feelings of homesickness?
      1. No, too general
      2. X
    4. How is writing different from speaking in a foreign language?
      1. X (but could be too specific for a thesis)
      2. No, too general
  4. EXERCISE: Evaluate thesis statements

    1. No, announces
    2. No, incomplete sentence
    3. Yes
    4. No, too many details
    5. No, question
    6. No, too specific, fact
    7. No, too general (useful vs best place)
    8. Yes
    9. No, incomplete sentence
    10. No, too general, does not clearly relate to the prompt
  5. EXERCISE: Write a thesis

    1. Answers will vary, no example provided

Organization: Body Paragraphs

  1. EXERCISE: Analyze a topic sentence

    1. Yes
    2. Yes
    3. Yes
    4. Yes
    5. No
    6. It is the right level of specificity
  2. EXERCISE: Identify topic sentences

    1. D
    2. B
    3. C
    4. B
    5. D
  3. EXERCISE: Write topic sentences

    1. Answers will vary, no examples provided
  4. EXERCISE: Identify good supporting sentences

    1. Yes
    2. Yes
    3. No
    4. Yes
    5. No
  5. EXERCISE: Identify good concluding sentences

    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. No
    4. Yes
    5. Yes
  6. EXERCISE: Write concluding sentences

    1. Answers will vary, no examples provided

Organization: Conclusion Paragraphs

  1. EXERCISE: Identify effective restated thesis statements 

    1. B, D
  2. EXERCISE: Restate a thesis

    1. Answers will vary, no examples provided
  3. EXERCISE: Write a conclusion paragraph

    1. Answers will vary, no examples provided
  4. EXERCISE: Identify types of paragraphs

    1. Conclusion
    2. Body
    3. Introduction
  5. EXERCISE: Analyze an essay

    1. Answers will vary, no examples provided

Process Essays

Process Essay Example #1

  1. Exercise: Analyze an Essay

    1. Introduction, Body Pargraph 1, Body Paragraph 2, Body Paragraph 3, Conclusion
    2. People are always searching for things taht make them happy. (hook)
    3. Happiness (general topic)
    4. In order to live a happy life, people should build relationships, be grateful, and help others. (thesis)
    5. The first thing that people should do to live a happy life is build relationships with other people. (topic sentence 1) In addition to nurturing relationships, people who want to be happy should be grateful. (topic sentence 2)  Finally, serving others can make people happier. (topic sentence 3)
    6. Yes
    7. Yes

Process Essay Example #2

  1. Exercise: Analyze an Essay

    1. Introduction, Body Pargraph 1, Body Paragraph 2, Body Paragraph 3, Conclusion
    2. Job interviews can be very scary experiences, even for people who have gone through the process many times. (hook)
    3. Successful job interview (general topic)
    4. There are a few basic steps that anyone can take to be prepared for a job interview. (thesis)
    5. The first step is to research the company carefully. (topic sentence 1) After job candidates have done some research online and decided to move forward with the job application, the next thing they should do is prepare a resume. (topic sentence 2) Finally, job candidates should practice for the interview. (topic sentence 3)
    6. Yes
    7. Yes


  1. Exercise: Write steps in a process

    1. Answers will vary, no examples provided

  2. Exercise: Revise thesis statements (answers will vary, examples provided)

    1. There are three essential steps to follow when you are looking for a new job.
    2. College students who are choosing a major should explore their options, meet with advisors, and consider job placement potential.
    3. There are three supreme tips for successfully starting your own band.
    4. Throwing a memorable birthday requires the planner to follow some important steps.
  3. Exercise: Make an outline (example provided for Essay Example #2)

    1. There are a few basic steps that anyone can take to be prepared for a job interview. 
      1. The first step is to research the company carefully.
        1. good fit
        2. necessary skills
        3. prepare questions
      2. After job candidates have done some research online and decided to move forward with the job application, the next thing they should do is prepare a resume.
        1. fit job description
        2. emphasize experience
        3. professional look
      3. Finally, job candidates should practice for the interview. 
        1. online question examples
        2. comfortable answering questions
        3. clear answers
      4. While they may seem simple, these steps will help job candidates be ready for their next job interview.
  4. Exercise: Finish an outline (answers will vary, examples provided)

    1. Thesis: Choosing a vacation location is an important part of the planning process and includes three important steps.
    2. Restated Thesis: Considering your budget, looking at affordable options, and discussing the options with your travel companions are important steps when choosing a vacation location.
  5. Exercise: Finish an outline (answers will vary, examples provided)

    1. The first step is to find out everyone's availability.
    2. Next, you should look online to find activity options for you to do.
    3. Finally, you will need to share the options with your friends.
  6. Exercise: Make an outline

    1. Answers will vary, no example provided


  1. Exercise: Write a body paragraph

    1. 4, SS
    2. 2, SS
    3. 7, SS
    4. 5, SS 
    5. 1, TS
    6. 6, SS
    7. 3, SS
    8. 8, CS
  2. Exercise: Write a body paragraph

    1. Answers will vary, no example provided
  3. Exercise: Complete an introduction paragraph (answers will vary, example provided)

    1. Cars are a modern convienence that allow for greater independence. Knowing how to drive a car allows you to explore the world freely and to manage your travel according to your schedule. It's no wonder that getting a driver's license is such an important event for Americans. Learning how to drive requires practice, learning the driving rules, and knowing how to operate a car.


  1. Exercise: Check your essay

    1. Answers will vary, no example provided
  2. Exercise: Analyze and revise a body paragraph

    1. The last supporting sentence does not support the topic sentence (There are many people in the world who love reading.)
    2. Friends or family with whom you have things in common can often recommend an excellent book. You can ask a sibling, your parents, your best friends, or your teachers. Also, small, local bookstores often have amazing recommendations. They can help you if you do not know which book would be interesting to you. 
    3. There is enough development, more development could be done by expanding on the last supporting sentence (There are many people in the world who love reading) by explaining that you can also get recommendations from the internet.
    4. The concluding sentence is fine
    5. Answers will vary, no example provided.

Revise a Process Essay

  1. Exercise: Revise an essay

    1. Answers will vary, no example provided

Comparison Essays

Comparison Essay Example #1

  1. Exercise: Analyze an Essay

    1. Answers will vary, no example provided

Comparison Essay Example #2

  1. Exercise: Analyze an Essay

    1. Answers will vary, no example provided


  1. Exercise: Brainstorm (Answers will vary, examples provided)

    1. expectation to have technology, phones used for almost everything, social media, learning online (during and after COVID-19)
    2. proficiency of teachers, opportunities to practice outside of class, topics
    3. learn specific moves to a specific order for a song vs freedom to react with your dance, dance with a partner vs alone, more traditional moves vs modern moves
  2. Exercise: Evaluate thesis statements

    1. No, announces topic
    2. Yes/no, it is too simple for a strong thesis statement
    3. Yes
    4. No, needs two sentences to introduce the idea
    5. No, not a statement
    6. Yes
    7. No, not a complete sentence
    8. No, announces
  3. Exercise: Make an outline for an existing essay (Example provided for Essay Example #2)

    1. Even though they share a name, the equipment, the scoring system, and the rules of American football and soccer are different.
      1. The equipment is the first major difference between American football and soccer.
        1. protective clothing
        2. ball
      2. Another big difference between soccer and American football is how points are scored.
        1. soccer points are simple
        2. football points are complex
      3. Finally, the rules of the two sports are very distinct.
        1. how to use a football
        2. positions in football
        3. how to use a soccerball
        4. positions in soccer
    2. It’s easy to see how American football and soccer are different from one another in three areas: the rules, scoring, and equipment.
  4.  Exercise: Finish an outline (Answers will vary, examples provided)

    1. Although there are some similarities between oil and watercolor paintings, they have unique styles, techniques, and tools. (thesis) The different styles, techniques, and tools are the main sources of differences between oil and watercolor paintings. (restated thesis)
    2. Laptops and tablets support different programs. (topic sentence 1) Another interesting difference between laptops and tablets is the hardware. (topic sentence 2) Last, but not least, the operating systems of laptops and tablets are distinct. (topic sentence 3)
  5. Exercise: Make an outline of your essay

    1. Answers will vary, no examples provided.


  1. Exercise: Match supporting sentences to a topic sentence

    1. B, C, E 
    2. A, D
  2. Exercise: Write a developed body paragraph (Answers will vary, example provided)

    1. Learning grammar in your first language is very different from learning grammar in your second language. One of the main reasons is that there is a lot of technical vocabulary that is used to describe grammar. So not only do you have to learn the grammar, you have to learn the words to describe that grammar in your second language. Another difference is that when you learn grammar in your first language, the teacher can also provide examples and comparisons with your native language. When you learn grammar in your second language, you often have classmates with different first languages which means the only examples you see are in English. The technical vocabulary and different examples are some of the most noticeable differences between learning grammar in your first language and in your second language.
  3. Exercise: Analyze conclusion paragraphs

    1. B, does not introduce new information, summarizes the main points, is fully developed


  1. Exercise: Check your essay

    1. Answers will vary, no examples provided
  2. Exercise: Revise for unity

    1. The most important base ingredients in American and Mexican food, wheat and corn respectively, are one of the big differences between these two types of food. Wheat is used in many popular American dishes. For example, there are many kinds of sandwiches and pastas made from wheat flour. Another clear example is the wheat bun for a hamburger. On the other hand, corn is the most important ingredient in Mexican food. Corn is used to make traditional food like sopes and tortillas. One of the best known Mexican foods, tamales, are also made from corn. American and Mexican food are different due to the principal ingredients used in each.

Revise a Comparison Essay

  1. Exercise: Revise an essay

    1. Answers will vary, no examples provided

Problem/Solution Essays

Problem/Solution Essay Example #1

  1. Exercise: Analyze an essay

    1. Introduction, Body Paragraph 1, Body Paragraph 2, Body Paragraph 3, Conclusion
    2. There is nothing worse than being trapped in your car, waiting in the middle of a traffic jam. (hook)
    3. traffic (general topic)
    4. The best way to solve traffic jams is by using public transportation because it will be efficient, economical, and reliable. (thesis)
    5. First, using public transportation is efficient. (topic sentence 1), Another reason that public transportation is the best solution to traffic jams is because it is so economical. (topic sentence 2) Finally, public transportation is the best solution because it is reliable. (topic sentence 3)
    6. Yes
    7. Yes, Because it is efficient, economical, and reliable, public transportation is the best way to reduce the number of traffic jams. (restated thesis)

Problem/Solution Essay Example #2

  1. Exercise: Analyze an essay

    1. Introduction, Body Paragraph 1, Body Paragraph 2, Body Paragraph 3, Body Paragraph 4 Conclusion
    2. Conversations happen everywhere: work, school, church, stores, dates, and even the gym. (hook)
    3. Conversations (general topic)
    4. International students can choose from various solutions to stop avoiding conversations and feel more confident. (thesis)
    5. One solution for students to develop more conversational confidence is to learn about current, relevant news. (topic sentence 1) Students can also prepare for common conversational topics if they want to be more active participants in conversations. (topic sentence 2) Another way to feel more confident is by listening to conversations. (topic sentence 3) A final way to overcome the habit of avoiding conversations is to refine language skills and prepare questions. (topic sentence 4)
    6. Yes
    7. Yes, In conclusion, students have many options to solve the problem of avoiding conversations. (restated thesis)


  1. Exercise: Brainstorm (free write)

    1. Answers will vary, no examples provided
  2. Exercise: Revise thesis statements (Answers will vary, examples provided)

    1. There are three possible solutions to dealing with a noisy roommate: have a direct conversation, establish apartment rules, or finding a new place to live.
    2. Because eating healthily in college can be a difficult challenge, it is essential for schools to provide affordable, healthy food options on campus.
    3. In order to limit the distractions of cellphones in class, teachers should enforce strict rules.
    4. To reduce the number of car accidents caused by falling asleep while driving, states need to educate the citizens better, provide safe places for people to stop and rest, and place safety reminder signs on the roads.
    5. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a huge issue, but campaigns involving families can be effective in solving this problem.
  3. Exercise: Evaluate an outline

    1. No, the problem is not stated in the thesis, it only has the solutions
    2. Topic sentence 1 is incomplete, Topic sentence 2 is fine, Topic sentence 3 needs to be more clearly presented as a solution to the problem, the Conclusion is too general and not related clearly to the thesis statement
  4. Exercise: Make an outline (Answers will vary, examples provided)

    1. In order to manage their time properly, students should either buy a paper planner to use, get a scheduling app for their phone, or use a Google calendar. (thesis)
      1. A paper planner can be a great tool for managing your time well.
        1. writing things by hand can improve memory
        2. options to personalize & make it creative
      2. There are also many scheduling apps available to help students manage their time effectively.
        1. students always have their phones
        2. set reminders
      3. Finally, there is also the option of using a Google calendar for time management.
        1. easy access from anywhere
        2. set reminders
        3. some appointments added automatically
    2. Resources like a paper planner, scheduling apps, and Google calendars can be very helpful for students who strugggle to manage their time appropriately.
  5. Exercise: Make an outline

    1. Answers will vary, no examples provided


  1. Exercise: Analyze introduction paragraphs

    1. Answers will vary, no examples provided


  1. Exercise: Check your essay

    1. Answers will vary, no examples provided
  2. Exercise: Revise this paragraph (Answers will vary, example provided)

    1. Limiting time on social media can improve relationships and academic performance. Limiting time on social media can help us make time for the people in our lives. Social media can be a great way to contact people who live far away, but it can also push away people who are physically present with us. Reducing the time we spend on social media can also give us more time for our studies. By decreasing the distractions from social media, there is more time to dedicate to focused study, which has the potential to improve our grades. We can limit time on social media by using an app to limit screen time, setting personal goals, and creating family rules.

Revise a Problem/Solution Essay

  1. Exercise: Respond to feedback 

    1. Answers will vary, no examples provided.

More Writing Skills


  1. Exercise: Ask questions to generate supportig sentences (Answers will vary, examples provided)
    1. People should travel abroad to learn more about other cultures.
    2. How do people learn about other cultures? They can experience new foods, different traditions, and see how other people live.
    3. Why is it important to learn about other cultures? It is important because we develop respect for others and we see the world differently.
  2. Exercise: Ask questions to generate supporting sentences (Answers will vary, examples provided)
    1. Who needs to learn how to set goals? What goals should we set? When do we need to set goals? Why do people set goals? How do we set goals? What is a good goal? What is the most effective process for setting a goal?
    2. Who should learn another language? What language should they learn? Why do people need to learn another language? How do people learn another language? When should they start learning another language? Does it matter where someone learns the new language? What are the benefits of learning another language? Why do people not learn another language?
      1. The world is full of many beautiful, interesting, and unique languages. In many large cities, you can hear people speaking these different languages and see them used in signs and advertisements. Because the world is becoming more and more connected, it is important for everyone to learn to communicate with one another. Learning to speak another language is a great way to create a connection with a new culture and community, and anyone can learn a new language. It takes patience and practice, but learning a new language improve your life and expand your world.
  3. Exercise: Eliminate redundancy to improve development
    1. Students who do not work may not have exactly all of the same stress that working students have, but they have other things to worry about. Some students need to plan a very careful budget in order to save as much money as they can and not spend too much money that they shouldn’t spend because they don’t have very much money to spend. Other students worry about maintaining very high grades so that their sponsor will see their diligence and allow them to continue studying. They spend a lot of time studying as much as possible and practicing the skills they learn in class so that they can do well on the exams and pass the exams and quizzes with very good scores. Passing the exams and quizzes is very important to them and so they spend a lot of time studying. This can cause significant stress in their lives. These are just some of the additional concerns students face when they are not working during the semester.


  1. Exercise: Revise for unity

    1. It is dangerous to preserve old buildings. According to some engineers, every building has a lifetime, and after the building reaches its lifetime, it is dangerous to keep those buildings. It also becomes more expensive. In addition, if the city is in a seismically active area, the problems that old buildings create will become worse because those buildings will not resist an earthquake. Some people say that old buildings can be used as tourist places and people enjoy visiting a historic location. It is clear that old buildings are not very safe. 
    2. There are many varieties of English spoken today in the world. American English British English, Indian English, and Australian English are just a few of these varieties, and they are all a little distinct. Pronunciation is one obvious difference, but other things vary as well, like vocabulary and even grammar. The word shiela is the Australian word for girlEnglish may be a global language, but it isn’t exactly the same all over the world. 
    3. The environment is something that can affect students positively or negatively. For example, if classmates are sleeping or talking during classes, that environment can make it difficult for students to concentrate. A noisy, dirty, or distracting environment can have a similar impact. Some roommates never help clean the apartment. On the contrary, an environment that is clean and has no distractions will make it much easier to focus on homework. It is important to recognize the impact that the environment can have on students. 
    4. Students like to listen to music in many different situations. Students listen to different types of music. Many students listen to music while they are studying because it helps them concentrate. Some people like to be quiet while they study. Some students listen to music while they work. Some enjoy listening to music while they walk to work or school. There are many different places where students enjoy listening to music.


  1. Exercise: identify logical order of sentences
    1. 5
    2. 1
    3. 3
    4. 6
    5. 7
    6. 2
    7. 8
  2. Exercise: Insert a sentence
    1. French toast is another breakfast food that is easy to make.2 Make an egg mixture by cracking a few eggs into a bowl and stirring in some milk. Season the mixture with cinnamon. To prepare the toast, quickly dip a slice of bread into the mixture and put it on a hot pan to cook. When the toast has turned light brown, it’s ready to eat. You can top the toast with butter, syrup, and powdered sugar. Making French toast is as easy as that!
  3. Exercise: Revise for logical order of sentences
    1. Reading is a popular hobby for people of many ages. Children often enjoy reading for entertainment. Other adults enjoy reading because they have found specific authors or genres that move them and they can create a connection with the story. Teenagers enjoy reading as a hobby because they are able to learn about other places and cultures by reading about them. Little children may also enjoy reading because they enjoy spending time with their parents. Young adults may enjoy reading for a hobby because it can help them socialize with other young adults who are reading the same stories. Some adults read to relax after a long day at work. It is obvious that reading is such a popular hobby due to the reasons people of all ages choose to read.
    2. However, reading is more than a hobby; it is also a great tool for eduction. If people want to learn new skills, they can learn about those skills in books. If people want to understand history, they can learn it in a book. If they want to learn how scientific processes occur, there are books that can explain them. The education you can gain from a book can include skills, history, science, and even how to succeed in business. If people want to learn about successful business practices, there are also books that can teach about that topic. Reading can open the door to learn many new things.
    3. Reading stories that were written by people from a different culture helps the reader understand that culture better. The culture of a group of people includes their beliefs and traditions, which are frequently included in the stories they write. For example, many people have written stories to teach a lesson that shows the importance of a certain characteristic. The Little Red Hen is one such story in American culture. Many other cultures have similar types of stories that show pieces of their cultures. This story teaches the value of hard work, which is traditionally valued highly in America. Thus, by reading, people can learn more about other cultures. 
  4. Exercise: Add cohesive devices
    1. FIRST students need to learn English.

    2. Other types of English exams include a written grammar test to measure students’ knowledge of grammar. HOWEVER/IN CONTRAST the TOEFL uses a different grammar assessment. 

    3. SECOND/IN ADDITION/ALSO, learning the format of the test is essential.

    4. You should ALSO be familiar with the types of questions you will be asked.

    5. ANOTHER element of the format you should be familiar with is how the test will be scored.

    6. FOR INSTANCE, there are some questions on the reading section that are worth two points instead of one point

Writing a Summary

  1. Exercise: Evaluate summaries

    1. Summary 3
    2. Summary 2
  2. Exercise: Identify major ideas

    1. Most college dinner groups meet Monday through Thursday, to allow group members time on the weekends to go on dates and visit friends.
    2. If there are four people, everyone cooks dinner one day each week from Monday to Thursday.
    3. If you are only in charge of cooking one meal each week, you can simply go to someone’s house on the other days each week and not need to spend time cooking. 
  3. Exercise: Evaluate and revise a summary

    1. Answers will vary, no example provided
  4. Exercise: Write a summary

    1. Answers will vary, no example provided


  1. Exercise: Revise listing punctuation

    1. Interesting buildings on BYU campus include: the Wilkinson Center, the Museum of Art, and the Fine Arts Center. (no verb before the semicolon, capitalization after the semicolon not necessary)
    2. If you have clear organization, you have a clear, controlling thesisspecific, connected topic sentencesand a logical flow between your ideas. (semi colons used in a list that has other commas)
    3. April, June, September, and November each have 30 days. (no issue)
    4. We will write three major essays this semester: a problem/solution essay, a comparison essay, and a process essay. (no issue)
    5. New students attend an informativehelpful orientation at the beginning of the semester. (comma between the two adjectives for the same noun)
  2. Exercise: Revise linking punctuation

    1. Personality tests can tell you a lot about a person, but they aren’t a perfect measure of what people are really like. (no issue)
    2. BYU has lots of fun activities for students, so you will never be bored on the weekends. (missing the conjunction)
    3. Amazon is one of the most popular websites for online shoppingand you can find a wide variety of products that ship quickly to your home. (comma, not a semicolon)
    4. Electricity was one of the most important inventions in the nineteenth centuryand it led to other important inventions. (needs a comma before the second clause)
    5. The United States fought a revolutionary war against England and won their independence. (no comma needed, not two independent clauses)
  3. Exercise: Revise run-on sentences (Answers may vary, examples provided)

    1. Parents do not control what their children do. Children’s behavior is affected more by television, movies, and other influences from outside the home. This is a terrible thing that sociologists have noticed, but fortunately, parents are still interested in trying to teach their children. Parents should teach their children about good behaviors and parents will see improvements in the behavior of their children.

Using Academic Vocabulary

  1. Exercise: Identify word forms

    1. development (n), develop (v), developmental (adj)
    2. support (n), supportive/supporting (adj), supportively (adv)
    3. sustain (v), sustainable (adj)
    4. explaination (n), explain (v)
    5. sequence (n), sequence (v), sequential (adj)
    6. partial (adj), partially (adv)
    7. collection (n), collect (v), collectively (adv)
    8. expectation (n), expected/expecting (adj), expectedly (adv)
  2. Exercise: Revise for word form errors

    1. completely = complete
    2. intelligence = intelligent
    3. apaprent = apparently
    4. famously = famous
    5. respectful = respect

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