Author Biographies

Cristie Cowles Charles

Brigham Young University

Cristie Cowles Charles teaches writing and literature courses at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. She enjoys sparking a love for writing in her students--or at least a love for having had writ...
Nicole Clawson
Nicole Clawson is an adjunct faculty member at Brigham Young University. When she isn't in her garden, she is busy knitting a new sweater while (re)watching Downton Abbey....
Brian Collier


Brian Collier currently works as Vice President of Marketing & Brand at Nuvi, a social marketing software company in Lehi, UT. He graduated from Brigham Young University with a BFA in Graphic Design. ...
Brooke Downs
Brooke Downs teaches literature, academic writing, and creative writing courses at Brigham Young University. Her plays have been performed by the American Stage Theatre Company, Wordsmyth Theater Comp...
Laura Dutson
Laura Dutson teaches writing courses and creative writing workshops at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. She lives in Salt Lake City with her husband and two daughters—not to mention the ...
Julie H. Haupt
Julie H. Haupt is an Associate Professor in the School of Family Life. Across many years at Brigham Young University, she has taught advanced writing courses in family life, business, and psychology....
Brian Jackson
Brian Jackson is from the mean streets of Kearns, Utah. He received a PhD in Rhetoric, Composition, and the Teaching of English from the University of Arizona. He now teaches writing and rhetoric at B...
Jill Larsen
Jill Larsen is Adjunct Faculty in English at Brigham Young University and the Course Coordinator for Writing in the Social Sciences. Jill is a word nerd and a research hungry travel bug who loves her ...
Jon Ostenson
Jon Ostenson began his teaching career as an English teacher in junior high and high school classrooms. After about a decade, he moved to the university level where he now teaches courses in teacher p...
Brittany Passmore
Brittany Passmore is currently a senior at Brigham Young University majoring in editing and publishing with a minor in music. She plans to be a freelance editor of science fiction and fantasy novels a...
Elise Silva
Elise Silva holds an MA in English from BYU and a Masters of Information Science from the University of North Texas. She is currently a PhD student at the University of Pittsburg studying composition ...

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