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SeriesBYU Humanities
LicenseCC BY

Introduction à la linguistique française

Ensign College

Ensign College

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URL: https://ensign.edtechbooks.org/linguistique

& (2023). Introduction à la linguistique française. Ensign College. https://ensign.edtechbooks.org/linguistique
James Law

Brigham Young University

James Law is an Assistant Professor of French at Brigham Young University. He received his Ph.D in French Linguistics from the University of Texas at Austin. He is a cognitive linguist interested primarily in semantic change. He teaches courses on semantics and pragmatics, historical linguistics, and French language. In his research, he uses digital corpora to investigate changes in linguistic meaning, with an aim towards identifying regularities that can inform our understanding of the mind. He uses a variety of functionalist approaches in his work, especially Frame Semantics.
Adam F. McBride

Brigham Young University

Dr. McBride is an assistant professor of French linguistics at Brigham Young University where he teaches courses in French language and linguistics. His research focuses on acoustic phonetics (nasal and oral vowels), acquisition, and language policy.
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