abstrait [abstract] — Describing a meaning that is neither concrete nor precise
accent prosodique (accentuation prosodique, accent tonique) [prosodic accent] — The accentuation of particular syllables using prosodic features such as pitch, length, and amplitude
accent syntaxique [syntactic accent] — The assigning of prosodic accent to syllables based on syntactic principles
acte de langage [speech act] — Something a speaker does using language
acte illocutoire [illocutionary act] — A speech act related to the communicative intent of the speaker
acte indirect de langage [indirect speech act] — An utterance that appears to be one speech act on its surface but which through implicature accomplishes another
acte locutoire [locutionary act] — A speech act related to producing language, irrespective of communicative intent
acte performatif [performative speech act] — A speech act that produces an institutional change by its very utterance under certain conditions
acte perlocutoire [perlocutionary act] — A speech act related to the communicative effect on the addressee
adjectif [adjective] — A word that modifies and agrees with a noun or pronoun
adverbe [adverb] — A word that modifies a word other than a noun or pronoun, without changing its form for agreement
affriquée [affricate] — A consonant formed by transitioning from a stop into a fricative
allomorphe [allomorph] — A variant form of a morpheme that appears in certain contexts
allophone [allophone] — A variant form of a phoneme that appears in certain contexts
alphabet phonétique international (API) [International Phonetic Alphabet] — A system of written symbols for representing the sound segments produced in the world's languages
alvéo-dental [alveo-dental] — Describing a consonant produced by bringing the tongue tip towards the teeth and/or alveolar ridge
ambiguïté structurale [structural ambiguity] — The property of a sentence that can have multiple readings due to multiple possible syntactic configurations
antérieur [front] — A vowel articulated with the tongue's highest point situated towards the front of the mouth
antériorité [backness/frontness] — How forward or backward the tongue is situated in the mouth during a vowel's articulation
antonyme gradable [gradable antonym] — Opposites that can be more or less extreme by degrees
antonyme non-gradable [non-gradable antonym] — Binary opposites that cannot differ by degrees
antonymie [antonymy] — A lexical relation between words that have opposite meanings
aperture [openness] — How high the tongue is situated in the mouth during a vowel's articulation
aperture vélaire [velar opening] — Whether the velum is open, allowing air to pass through the nasal cavity
appareil articulatoire [articulatory apparatus] — The portion of the human body used to produce language, including lungs, vocal folds, mouth, and nasal cavity
apprentissage [acquisition] — A prototype effect where prototypes are learned earlier in childhood than other category members
approximante consonne spirante [approximant] — A consonant formed by modifying airflow without significantly restricting it
arbre syntaxique [syntax tree] — A diagram showing hierarchical relationships of constituents in a sentence
arrondi [rounded] — A sound that is produced with lip rounding
assimilation [assimilation] — The influence of neighboring segments that produces an allophone of the target segment, such as devoicing of a normally voiced consonant when it appears before an unvoiced consonant.
asymétrique [asymmetrical] — Describing lexical relationships that are opposite in either direction (such as hyponym vs hyperonym)
attaque [onset] — The consonant or consonant cluster at the beginning of a syllable
attaque ramifiée [branching onset] — A consonant cluster at the beginning of a syllable
atténuation [hedging] — A prototype effect where hedges ("sort of", "somewhat", etc.) apply to peripheral category members but not to prototypes
bilabial [bilabial] — Describing a consonant produced by bringing the lips together
branche à droite [right-branching] — A phrase structure where the complement follows the head
branche à gauche [left-branching] — A phrase structure where the complement precedes the head
catégorie grammaticale (partie du discours) [grammatical category, part of speech] — A category of word such as verb, noun, adjective, etc.
cavité buccale [oral cavity] — The inside of the mouth from throat to lips
central [mid] — A vowel articulated with the tongue's highest point situated in the middle of the mouth
changement sémantique (glissement sémantique) [semantic change / shift] — Change in the meaning of a word over time
clitique [clitic] — A morpheme that is partially independent. The classic examples in French are the unstressed object pronouns (me, te, le,nous, etc.) and especially single-syllable words with schwa (je, me, ne, etc.)
coda [coda] — The consonant or consonant cluster at the end of a syllable
coda ramifié [branching coda] — A consonant cluster at the end of a syllable
cohyponyme [cohyponym] — A word designating another subcategory within the same broader category
coméronyme [comeronym] — A word designating another part within the same broader whole
commutation [commutation] — A constituency test where a potential constituent is inflected to determine its category
complément circonstanciel (modificateur, adjoint) [adjunct] — An optional phrase that attaches to a verb to express time, manner, place, etc.
complément (comp.) [complement] — Part of a phrase that completes the head (such as the direct object of a verb)
complément d'objet direct (COD) [direct object] — A noun phrase complement of a verb
complément d'objet indirect (COI) [indirect object] — A prepositional phrase complement of a verb
concept [concept] — The meaning that is paired with a form in a linguistic sign.
concept cible [target concept] — The concept that is expressed using figurative language
concept source [source concept] — The concept that is used figuratively to express some other concept
concret [concrete] — Describing a meaning that is tangible, accessible to the senses
conditions de vérité [truth conditions] — The state of affairs that must exist in order for a sentence to be true. To understand a sentence is in some sense to know its truth conditions.
conditions nécessaires et suffisantes [necessary and sufficient conditions] — A definition aiming to describe all the qualities that group members of a category and exclude non-members
conjonction [conjunction] — A functional word that combines parts of a sentence together
conjonction de coordination [coordinating conjunction] — A conjunction that joins two phrases of equal status, such as two noun phrases
conjonction de subordination [subordinating conjunction] — A conjunction that joins a main clause and a subordinate clause in a complex sentence
connotation [connotation] — The part of meaning involving associations to peripheral concepts or attitudes
consonne [consonant] — A sound segment involving some restriction of the oral cavity
consonne battue [tap, flap] — A consonant formed by briefly touching the articulator to the place of articulation
consonne de liaison [liaison consonant] — A normally unpronounced final consonant that is realized to provide an onset for a following word that starts with a vowel
constituant [constituent] — A part of a sentence with enough syntactic unity and independence that it can be moved or manipulated in various ways. The words contained under a single node of a syntax tree.
constituant comme réponse [fragment answer] — A constituency test where a potential constituent is given as the answer to a question
construction [construction] — A structural pattern associated with a particular meaning, such as the passive construction
contigu [contiguous] — Describing concepts that appear in the same context such that they can metonymically represent one another
contraire [converse] — A lexical relation between words that refer to each side of a relationship or transaction. If one applies, the other necessarily exists in the other direction.
coordination [coordination] — A constituency test where a potential constituent is coordinated with a similar phrase using a conjunction
copule [copula] — A verb meaning "be", expressing equality between parts of the sentence
courbe mélodique [pitch contour] — The rising and falling pitch of an utterance
débit de parole [speech rate] — The speed of speech (in syllables per second)
dénotation [reference] — The part of meaning that designates something in the world
dental [dental] — Describing articulation produced with the teeth
dents [teeth] — A site of consonant articulation
dérivation [derivation] — The morphological process of attaching a morpheme that changes a word's meaning or category
description [description] — Observing and documenting linguistic practices without judgment
déterminant [determiner] — A functional word that specifies the grammatical properties of a noun
deuxième formant (F2) [second formant] — The second-lowest-frequency formant, whose frequency varies strongly between front and back vowels
dévoisé (sourd) [unvoiced] — A sound produced without vocal fold vibration
diphtongue [diphthong] — A vowel sound formed by moving from one vowel to another
durée [length] — The length (in milliseconds) of a vowel or syllable
écarté (non arrondi) [unrounded] — A sound that is produced without lip rounding
élision — Dropping of the schwa vowel in a clitic so it attaches phonologically to the following word that starts with a vowel
enchaînement — Reassignment of a syllable's coda to the onset of the following syllable
ensemble [set] — A bounded group of entities that are designated by some linguistic expression
espace vocalique [vowel space] — The area within the mouth in which the tongue can be situated to articulate different vowels
explicature [explicature] — Intended meanings that are expressed literally but must be applied to the context
face [face] — The individual desire for respect and autonomy that interlocutors must negotiate through politeness strategies
fermé [close / high] — A vowel articulated with the tongue in a maximally high position
filtre [filter] — The parts of the articulatory apparatus that modify a sound wave after it has been produced
flexion [inflection] — The morphological process of attaching a morpheme for grammatical agreement without changing a word's meaning or category
fonctionnel [functional] — Describing a word that serves a grammatical purpose rather than referring to something in the world
formant vocalique [vowel formant] — A component frequency of a complex sound wave that is stronger than most other frequencies
forme [form] — The structure that is paired with a meaning in a linguistic sign. Can be phonological, written, syntactic...
forme des lèvres [lip shape] — Whether the lips are rounded or not during a vowel's articulation
fosses nasales (cavité nasale) [nasal cavity] — Area of possible airflow between the throat and the nostrils
fréquence [frequency] — The rate of a sound wave, associated with pitch
fréquence fondamentale (F0) [fundamental frequency] — The basic frequency of a complex sound wave that determines its pitch (note that F0 is not considered a formant)
fricative [fricative] — A consonant formed by strongly restricting airflow to create turbulence
glide (semi-voyelle, semi-consonne) [glide] — A type of approximant formed by transitioning from one vowel position into that of the main vowel. Distinguished from diphthongs, which are complex vowels, because glides act as consonants within the syllable
grammaire [grammar] — A system of meaningful and contextual contrasts in a language
grammatical [grammatical] — The quality of a sentence that is acceptable according to a speaker's grammatical intuitions
grammaticalisation [grammaticalization] — A process whereby a lexical morpheme becomes a functional morpheme
grammaticalité [grammaticality] — The acceptability of a sentence according to a speaker's grammatical intuitions
hauteur de la voix (ton) [pitch] — The fundamental frequency of speech, especially as a prosodic feature
holonyme [holonym] — A word designating a whole that contains a part designated by another word
homographe [homograph] — A word sharing its written form with another
homonyme [homonym] — A word sharing its pronunciation and its written form with another
homophone [homophone] — A word sharing its pronunciation with another
hyperonyme [hyperonym] — A word designating a broader category that includes other words
hyponyme [hyponym] — A word designating a subcategory of another word
implicature [implicature] — Intended meanings that are deduced logically but not expressed literally
incompatible [incompatible] — A lexical relation between words that designate separate members of a category that do not overlap, such as days of the week
intensité (amplitude) [amplitude] — The loudness of speech as a prosodic feature
intersection [intersection] — The overlap between two sets corresponding to the reference of a complex expression
intonation [intonation] — The pitch of an utterance
labial [labial] — A sound articulated with the lips
labio-dental [labio-dental] — Describing a consonant produced by bringing the lower lips and the top teeth together
langage [Language] — The special human communicative ability
langue [tongue] — The primary organ for filtering and articulation of speech sounds
langue [language] — A particular variety such as English or French
lèvres [lips] — Organ at the end of the articulatory apparatus
lexical [lexical] — Describing a word that refers to something in the world rather than serving a grammatical purpose
lexique [lexicon] — The set of linguistic signs (words, morphemes, constructions) in a language or in human memory
liaison — Realization of a normally unpronounced final consonant to provide an onset for a following word that starts with a vowel
liaison défendue [forbidden liaison] — A context in which liaison is prescriptively forbidden
liaison facultative [optional liaison] — A context in which liaison is prescriptively allowed but not required
liaison obligatoire [required liaison] — A context in which liaison is prescriptively required
lieu d'articulation [place of articulation] — The area in which closure is made when producing a consonant
lingual [lingual] — Describing articulation produced with the tongue
linguistique [linguistics] — The scientific study of language
loi de position — A tendency in most French dialects for close-mid vowels to be used in open syllables and open-mid vowels to be used in closed syllables
loi des trois consonnes — A tendency in most French dialects to avoid dropping schwa when a triple consonant cluster would result
luette (uvule) [uvula] — Organ at the back of the oral cavity that is a site for some sound articulation
maxime de manière [maxim of manner] — The assumption that interlocutors will share information in an appropriate way
maxime de qualité [maxim of quality] — The assumption that interlocutors will be truthful
maxime de quantité [maxim of quantity] — The assumption that interlocutors will express an appropriate amount of information
maxime de relation [maxim of relation] — The assumption that interlocutors will share information that is pertinent
méronyme [meronym] — A word designating a part of a whole designated by another word
métaphore [metaphor] — A figurative conceptual mechanism in which a target concept is expressed in terms of a source concept with which it is perceived to share some similarity
métonymie [metonymy] — A figurative conceptual mechanism in which a target concept is expressed in terms of a source concept with which it is contiguous
mi-fermé [close-mid] — A vowel articulated with the tongue in a fairly high position
mi-ouvert [open-mid] — A vowel articulated with the tongue in a fairly low position
mode d'articulation [manner of articulation] — The degree of closure when producing a consonant (stop, fricative, approximant, etc.)
modèle idéalisé [idealized model] — A simplified concept against which a category is defined, producing prototype effects
mondes possibles [possible worlds] — Infinite possible states of affairs, allowing reference to apply to expressions that have no referent in the real world
monosémie [monosemy] — The property of words having only one meaning
morphème [morpheme] — The smallest meaningful linguistic unit. Can be a word or part of a word.
morphème dépendant [dependent morpheme] — A morpheme that must attach to another to form a word (includes prefixes and suffixes)
morphème indépendant [independent morpheme] — A morpheme that can stand on its own as a word
morphologie [morphology] — The study of word structure
nasale [nasal consonant] — A consonant formed by blocking airflow through the mouth but allowing it through the nasal cavity
nom commun [common noun] — A lowercase noun that refers to a category
nom propre [proper noun] — An uppercase noun that refers to an individual person, place, etc.
nom substantif [noun] — A word with number and gender that refers to a thing, person, idea, etc.
norme (langue standard) [standard] — The prestige dialect of a language that is seen as educated and "correct"
noyau [nucleus] — The sonorous segment representing the main part of a syllable (usually a vowel)
occlusive (plosive) [stop] — A consonant formed by completely blocking airflow before releasing it
onde sonore [sound wave] — Regular or irregular fluctuations in air pressure that are interpreted as sound
ordre d'énumération [listing order] — A prototype effect where prototypes are named first in a category member listing task
ouvert [open] — A vowel articulated with the tongue in a maximally low position
paire minimale [minimal pair] — Two words that differ only in a single sound, demonstrating that this sound is a contrastive phoneme in the language
palais [palate] — The roof of the mouth, a site of sound articulation
palatal [palatal] — Describing articulation produced at the middle of the palate
passage de l'air [airflow] — Whether air flows through the nasal cavity during a vowel's articulation
pertinence [relevance] — The principle that interlocutors are expected to communicate relevant ideas in a maximally effective way
phonème [phoneme] — A sound segment that is meaningfully distinguished from other sounds in a language
phonétique [phonetics] — The study of sound production and acoustics
phonologie [phonology] — The study of sound distribution
phonotaxe [phonotactics] — Phonological restrictions on consonant clusters in particular syllable or morpheme positions in a language
phrase circonstancielle [circumstantial clause, adjunct clause] — An optional clause that adds information to a sentence regarding time, place, manner, etc.
phrase clivée [cleft sentence] — A constituency test where a potential constituent is moved to the beginning of the sentence
phrase complétive [complement clause] — A clause that serves as the complement in a phrase
phrase participiale [participial clause] — A clause introduced by a participle such as "faisant"
phrase (Ph) [sentence, clause] — A part of a sentence (or an entire sentence) with at least one subject and predicate
phrase phonologique (phrase accentuelle) [phonological phrase] — A part of an utterance that is grouped prosodically (such as being separated from other parts by a pause)
phrase relative [relative clause] — A clause introduced by a relative pronoun such as "dont"
phrase subordonnée [subordinate clause] — A clause introduced by a subordinating conjunction such as "afin que"
phrases coordonnées [coordinate clauses] — Clauses that are joined by a coordinating conjunction such as "et"
plis vocaux [vocal folds] — Tissue in the larynx that vibrates to produce the voice
pointe [tip] — The very front part of the tongue
politesse négative [negative politeness] — Strategies directed toward negative face, the individual desire for autonomy
politesse positive [positive politeness] — Strategies directed toward positive face, the individual desire for respect
polysémie [polysemy] — The property of words having multiple meanings
postérieur [back] — A vowel articulated with the tongue's highest point situated towards the back of the mouth
pragmatique [pragmatics] — The study of how linguistic meaning is interpreted in a communicative context
précis [precise] — Describing a meaning that is specific in that it does not group many other categories together
prédicat [predicate] — The part of the sentence that refers to the action (the verb and its complements)
pré-fermé (relâché) [lax] — A vowel articulated with the tongue in a nearly maximally high position
premier formant (F1) [first formant] — The lowest-frequency formant, whose frequency varies strongly between high and low vowels
préposition [preposition] — A semi-functional word referring to a spatial, temporal, causal, or logical relationship between two things or parts of a sentence
prescription [prescription] — Promoting certain ways of speaking or writing as better than others
principe de la non-synonymie [principle of no synonymy] — A hypothesis that no two words in a language will ever be exactly synonymous
pronom [pronoun] — A functional word that replaces a noun
prosodie [prosody] — The patterns of stress and intonation in a language
prototype [prototype] — The central member of a category that defines and exemplifies its qualities
radical [root] — The core morphological form of a verb to which endings are attached in conjugation
rapidité de jugement [judgment speed] — A prototype effect where prototypes are judged more rapidly as being category members
récursivité [recursion] — The property of language that allows infinite meanings to be expressed within nested phrases
région alvéo-dentale [alveolar ridge] — Part of the mouth where the teeth meet the beginning of the palate
région palato-alvéolaire [alveo-palatal region] — Part of the mouth at the front of the palate
région vélaire [velar region] — Part of the mouth at the back of the palate
sandhi [sandhi] — Any phenomenon acting on syllables at morpheme boundaries, such as liaison
schématique [schematic] — Not specific. A property of constructions and patterns that apply broadly to many different sentences and words.
schwa (e caduc, e muet) [schwa] — An unstressed vowel that is dropped in certain phonological contexts
segment [segment] — A single phonological unit, a sound
sémantique [semantics] — The study of linguistic meaning
sens [sense] — The part of meaning involving the qualities that are evoked by an expression
signe linguistique [linguistic sign] — The pairing of any form and its associated meaning. Morphemes are the smallest linguistic signs. Expressions, sentences, constructions, and even entire texts are also linguistic signs.
sonorité [sonority] — The degree of airflow during the articulation of a sound
source [source] — The part of the articulatory apparatus that produces a sound wave (usually the vocal folds)
spécifieur (spéc.) [specifier] — Part of a phrase that modifies the head-complement sequence (such as the determiner in a noun phrase)
substitution de catégorie [category substitution] — A constituency test where a potential constituent is replaced by another word of the same category
substitution pronominale [pro-form substitution] — A constituency test where a potential constituent is replaced by a pro-form (a pronoun or other functional word)
sujet [subject] — The part of a clause that determines the conjugation of the verb and usually performs the action
sujet impersonnel [dummy subject] — A subject that satisfies a syntactic requirement but has no semantic value, such as the subject of "pleuvoir"
suprasegmental [suprasegmental] — Prosodic features that operate "above" the level of sound segments, such as pitch
syllabe [syllable] — A phonological unit consisting of a vowel and potentially the consonants that surround it
syllabe fermée [closed syllable] — A syllable with a coda
syllabe ouverte [open syllable] — A syllable without a coda
symétrique [symmetrical] — Describing lexical relationships that are the same in both directions (such as cohyponyms)
synonyme [synonym] — A word having the same (or nearly the same) meaning or reference as another
syntagme [phrase] — A syntactic constituent that has been assigned a category (noun phrase, verb phrase, etc.)
syntagme adjectival (SAdj) [adjective phrase] — A phrase headed by an adjective
syntagme adverbial (SAdv) [adverb phrase] — A phrase headed by an adverb
syntagme nominal (SN) [noun phrase] — A phrase headed by a noun
syntagme prépositionnel (SP) [prepositional phrase] — A phrase headed by a preposition
syntagme verbal (SV) [verb phrase] — A phrase headed by a verb
syntaxe [syntax] — The study of sentence structure
tête [head] — The main word of a phrase that determines its category
timbre de la voix [voice quality] — The type of voicing produced by the vocal folds, including modal (regular), creaky (vocal fry), breathy, whisper, falsetto, etc.
trillée (vibrante, roulée) [trill] — A consonant formed by repeatedly and rapidly touching the articulator to the place of articulation
troisième formant (F3) [third formant] — The third-lowest-frequency formant, the highest formant with major relevance for vowel quality
turbulent [turbulent] — A quality of airflow that is allowed to pass with significant interference, as with the articulation of a fricative consonant
uvulaire [uvular] — Describing articulation produced with the uvula
valence [valency] — The property of a word that determines what kinds of complements and specifiers it can or must have
valence sémantique [semantic valency] — A word's requirements for complements and specifiers that are evoked semantically (but don't necessarily appear grammatically)
valence syntaxique [syntactic valency] — A word's requirements for complements and specifiers that must appear grammatically (but aren't necessarily evoked semantically)
valeur de vérité [truth value] — Whether a sentence is true or false given a state of affairs
variation [variation] — Differences in how people use language across dialects, social categories, and contexts
vélaire [velar] — Describing articulation produced at the back of the palate
verbe [verb] — A word that conjugates and refers to an action or state
verbe intransitif [intransitive verb] — A verb without an object
verbe transitif [transitive verb] — A verb that requires an object
voile du palais (palais mou) [velum] — Tissue at the back of the mouth that raises and lowers to close off or allow air to pass through the nasal cavity
voisé (sonore) [voiced] — A sound produced with vocal fold vibration
voix [voice] — The sound produced by the vocal folds
voyelle [vowel] — A voiced sound segment with no restriction of the oral cavity
voyelle nasale [nasal vowel] — A vowel articulated with the velum open so air can pass through the nasal cavity
voyelle orale [oral vowel] — A vowel articulated with the velum closed so no air passes through the nasal cavity
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