The Scientist

In this trial, The Scientist argues in favor of truth demonstrated through repeatable and physical evidence. The Scientist accepts matters of faith but will not ignore evidence for any reason. He or she believes that physical truth is more important than institutions of societal and moral power. 

Historical Example

Benedetto Castelli is a good example of The Scientist during Galileo's trial. A brilliant mathematician, Castelli was one of the few who perfectly understood the evidence and implications of Galileo's treatise. In fact, he replaced Galileo as the mathematician in residence at the University of Pisa. In addition to his scientific and academic pursuits, he was also a Benedictine monk and later served the Pontiff as an advisor.

Throughout the trial, Castelli was a faithful defender of Galileo's treatise, helping him transmit the idea that scientific research ought to remain free from the constraints of theological doctrine. Such sentiments were later declared heretical by the Church. Due to this and other factors, Castelli was transferred to Brescia while Galileo appeared before the Inquisition in Rome in an effort to limit the spread of Copernican theories. 

How to Succeed

Throughout the simulation, The Scientist will strongly argue in favor of truth through exclusively experiential means; any other claims are far too subject to the whims and needs of interested parties, making them highly suspicious and unreliable. Faith is a personal matter and cannot be imposed upon others; science, on the other hand, describes truth to which all are subject. The Scientist may not submit arguments for consideration during the Ecumenical Council.

The Scientist wins points in the following ways: 

The Scientist loses points in the following ways:  

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