The Zealot

In this trial, The Zealot argues exclusively in favor of truth through spiritual or religious methods. The Zealot severely distrusts the senses as manipulatable and finite sources of truth. Instead, he or she chooses to follow established religious facts absolutely and violently defends them by whatever means is necessary. Truth is exclusively the domain of the spiritual.

Historical Example

Tommaso Caccini is a good example of The Zealot during Galileo's trial. An ambitious member of the Dominican order, Caccini delivered fiery sermons that boldly proclaimed religious dogmas and fiercely attacked anyone who doubted them. He had little interest in establishing harmony between theological and philosophical ideals, preferring the former and denouncing the latter. In fact, in one of his most famous sermons, he declared that all mathematics and science were heretical and contrary to the teachings of the Bible. 

His vocal opposition to Galileo's scientific pursuits likely catalyzed the Church's action against the scientist. He incited public outrage at Galileo's views by using the biblical phrase, "Ye men of Galilee, why stand you gazing up in heaven?" His opposition extended beyond Galileo and his treatise to include any sympathizers within the Church (whom he called Galileists) that he claimed denied miracles, positioned God as an accident, and denied the clear passages in the Bible that contradict the heliocentric theory. 

How to Succeed

Throughout the simulation, The Zealot vehemently opposes all scientific arguments, opting for dialectical or logical reason over experiential. The greatest confirmation of truth comes from established spiritual and religious channels. Any truth the circumvents these channels is a temptation, a wolf in sheep's clothing. 

The Zealot wins points in the following ways: 

The Zealot loses points in the following ways: 

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