M&A Private Equity Analysis


Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) is the process of identifying synergies and creating value by combining or divesting businesses, while private equity (PE) is investing in businesses to grow, combine, divest or flip for profit.




Step-by-Step Process:

Identify the strategic intent: With any M&A, private equity purchase, or divestiture, you need to have a clear picture of what you are trying to accomplish. What will you accomplish through the M&A activity, what are the goals, and what are the anticipated outcomes for the company? To determine whether you should build, buy or borrow, see the following document for some of the things you should consider related to alliances versus acquisitions: Alliances and M&A.

Negotiation and due diligence: Once you have compared your alternatives and selected a candidate, you need to negotiate and complete due diligence. In due diligence, you ask for information from the candidate, complete your analyses again with the private information from the company, and look for information you did not have as you created the initial valuation.

Financing, purchase, and implementation:  There are a number of resources that cover the different financing and implementation processes that are possible. Many of these issues are covered in the additional resources at the bottom of this page.

Template for Capturing Data:

Output Representation and Recommendations:


Additional Resources:

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