
Work-Experience Interns

While you are performing an individual internship, you may still be part of a work team that has responsibilities or is working on a project. If so, your work team may want to consider assigning these team roles to use on your project. Even if you are not part of a defined work group during your internship, you can still identify specific workers in your company/organization that will be valuable for you to coordinate with or use as mentors and sources of expertise. You can consider them part of your team/co-workers during your internship. Many companies monitor how often you reach out to other employees as a signal to how well you will collaborate and learn in the future if they hire you. Below are some examples of roles and responsibilities.

Deliverables Manager

Project Manager

Report Manager

Sponsor Liaison

Team Leader

If you are truly working as an individual intern with no assistance from other students or co-workers then you may still want to review the team roles to determine if you are paying attention to all of the elements of your internship. In most internships, all of the tasks for each team member's role will still need to be accomplished even if you are the only one to do the tasks. You should review the team roles and identify each one that you want to make sure you accomplish during the internship.

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