Chapter 12

Completing Your Project-Based Work Experience

Congratulations on Successfully Completing your Project-Based Work Experience

You have spent the last 14 weeks (about 3 months) on an intense work experience that will benefit you for the rest of your life. During these weeks you have learned to plan, organize, collaborate, negotiate, complete work related to your studies, synthesize information, develop multiple conclusions, find value maximizing recommendations and results, and present your results and valuable impact in a professional manner. You have accomplished all of this by:

  1. Meeting as a project team, defining roles, and scheduling regular meeting times.
  2. Receiving a project from a company, reaching out to the sponsor, holding a kickoff meeting, identifying the real needs of the company, and negotiating the decisions to be made or the actions to be taken and defining the deliverables necessary to create impact and value for the company. Then documenting the agreement in a formal engagement letter.
  3. Developing a rigorous work plan including an action register, deliverables, Gant Chart, and assignments to team members to provide the deliverables in a timely manner. Then following the work plan and reporting completed tasks to the team members and the company sponsor by updating your progress in the work plan regularly.
  4. You worked on your own responsibilities to complete tasks related to your major and topics you have studied to increase your professional experience and try out the tools about which you have been studying.
  5. You collaborated with your teammates and tried to form a high functioning team by eliminating dysfunctional team attitudes and approaches.
  6. You sought to build a professional network by collaborating and creating professional relationships with your teammates, company sponsor, TA Coordinator, instructor, other people at the sponsoring company and industry experts found during the project.
  7. Developing intermediate findings and preliminary recommendations at midterm and presenting them to the company sponsor. Reviewing your first half activities, projecting the activities for the second half, and negotiating changes to the final deliverables as needed with the company sponsor.
  8. You provided peer review feedback to your teammates to help them in developing professional characteristics that will benefit them throughout their life. You also received and reflected upon feedback from your company sponsor, teammates, TA Coordinator, and the instructor that will help you develop the characteristics you would like to have in your professional career.
  9. You continued to work on your assignments and deliverables while collaborating with your teammates, your company sponsors and other experts and stake holders in your project.
  10. You considered how this project could contribute to your future resume, personal professional portfolio and in developing, nurturing, and expanding your professional network.
  11. You worked with your teammates to collaborate on the activities the team would complete and the conclusions and recommendations they could create. You created multiple alternatives and found ways to analyze and find the value maximizing activities and recommendations.
  12. You developed a final report that included the problem statement you were addressing and the activities and approaches you used to create the desired objectives of the company. You provided the data, analysis, conclusions, recommendations that will create impact and value for the company. You included a robust appendix with the background data and research developed during the project. And you created user guides where necessary to help the company utilize any tools created during the project and any activities that will be planned or recreated in the future.
  13. You created a professional top-down commercial decision oriented final presentation and presented it to your sponsoring company.
  14. You received final feedback from your company sponsor and teammates and reflected on what you can do to improve your professional characteristics that you will take into your upcoming career.
  15. You reflected on how you have changed, what you accomplished, what impact you made, what value you created, and what you have learned. You created new bullet points for your resume and personal portfolio to represent what value you can bring to future employers.


Giving and Receiving FeedbackFinal Reflections at the End of Every ProjectPlease Give Back as a Project Sponsor or Mentor

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