Focus Group


A focus group is a gathering (in person or virtually) of participants in a target market. The group will be asked a variety of questions that will allow the researchers to gather representative information from the target population.  
  • What it is: A focus group is a small but diverse gathering (in person or virtually) of participants in a target population which provides reactions to guided and open-ended questions as a means of creating and narrowing information concerning trends, preferences, decision processes, factors considered in purchasing, etc. The output of the meeting is qualitative in nature but is hoped to indicate the preferences of the larger target population.
  • What does it do: Professor Glenn Blank of Lehigh University said; "Organizations generally use focus groups in planning, marketing, or evaluation, either to improve some specific product or service or, more globally, during the development of strategic plans or mission statements." Wikipedia states the following; " It is a form of qualitative researchLinks to an external site. consisting of interviews in which a group of people is asked about their perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes towards a product, service, concept, advertisement, idea, or packaging. Questions are asked in an interactive group setting where participants are free to talk with other group members. During this process, the researcher either takes notes or records the vital points he or she is getting from the group. Researchers should select members of the focus group carefully for effective and authoritative responses."



  • Where it shouldn't be used: If you are trying to project how the larger target market will respond, you need statistically accurate survey data to predict outcomes with any degree of confidence. Focus Groups are a qualitative form of research and can not be used to predict any opinions of anyone except the group that participated in the focus group.
  • Any restrictions: Just because no one in the group disagreed with one of the findings does not mean that everyone agreed. If you did not ask each person's feelings, there may be some in the group that may just choose not to disagree with what was said to avoid conflict. Don't assume consensus unless each person in the group enthusiastically states they are in agreement.
  • Warnings: Focus groups can foster groupthink, where one or more people or ideas can take over and dominate the focus group. A strongly charismatic group member (or one that dominates) can push the group to a single destination without the group recognizing that they were persuaded to feel that way.

Template for capturing data:

Link to template for Focus Group: Focus_Group_Report.docDownload Focus_Group_Report.doc

Most focus groups will capture the information through video and audio recordings. Transcripts from the audiotapes will be prepared and the videotapes allow those Clients unable to attend the groups first hand to observe the group dynamics.

Output representation and recommendations:

  • Present the recommendations based on the findings of the focus group
  • Present the overall findings/conclusions and how they addressed the desired outcomes (decisions to be made or actions to be taken)
  • Present representative charts, graphs and individual anecdotes from the reports of the focus group session(s)

Additional resources:


B2B International 

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