Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)


A Definition of Generative AI Models

Generative AI models are a subset of artificial intelligence designed to create new content, such as text, images, audio, or code, based on the patterns learned from existing data. These models can produce outputs that mimic the style, structure, and context of the data they were trained on.

Where and Why It Is Used

Where Generative AI Models Are Used: There are many ways that generative AI is used but below are just a couple examples based on two industries.

  1. IT Industry:
    • Code Generation: Automating repetitive coding tasks and generating boilerplate code.
    • Documentation: Creating technical documentation and user manuals.
    • Customer Support: Building AI-powered chatbots for handling technical queries.
  2. Communication Industry:
    • Content Creation: Writing articles, blog posts, and social media updates.
    • Marketing Materials: Generating ad copy, product descriptions, and promotional content.
    • Translation: Translating documents and content into multiple languages.

Why Generative AI Models Are Used:

  1. Efficiency: Automates repetitive and time-consuming tasks, increasing productivity.
  2. Creativity: Provides creative assistance, generating ideas and content quickly.
  3. Consistency: Ensures consistency in tone and style across different pieces of content.
  4. Cost-Effectiveness: Reduces the need for extensive human resources for content creation and coding.

Its Limitations and Where Not to Use It

Limitations of Generative AI Models:

  1. Quality Control: Generated content may require human review to ensure accuracy and relevance.
  2. Context Understanding: May lack deep contextual understanding, leading to less nuanced content.
  3. Bias: Can reflect biases present in the training data.
  4. Creativity Constraints: While creative, it may not match the depth of human creativity in complex scenarios.

Where Not to Use Generative AI Models:

  1. Sensitive Content: Avoid using for content requiring high ethical standards, such as medical diagnoses or legal advice.
  2. High-Stakes Decision Making: Not suitable for making critical decisions that require human judgment and empathy.
  3. Highly Personalized Content: May struggle with tasks requiring deep personalization and understanding of individual preferences.

Video Instructions on How to Use Generative AI Models

Here are some helpful video tutorials:

  1. Generative AI explained in 2 minutes - Introduction into what Generative AI is.
  2. Don't Use ChatGPT Until You Watch This Video - How to optimize ChatGPT to get the best answers to your prompts
  3. How to Use DALL.E 3 - A tutorial on generating images using DALL-E.

A Step-by-Step Outline of How to Complete the Process of Using Generative AI Models

  1. Identify the Task:

    • Define the specific task you want to accomplish using a generative AI model (e.g., writing a blog post, generating an image).
  2. Choose the Appropriate Model (Review the list of generative AI models at the bottom of this page):

    • Select the generative AI model that best fits your task (e.g., GPT-3 for text, DALL-E for images).
  3. Prepare Input Data:

    • Provide the necessary input data or prompts for the AI model. For text generation, this might be a topic or keyword; for image generation, a descriptive prompt.
  4. Generate Output:

    • Run the model to generate the output based on your input. Review and refine the prompts as needed to get the desired result.
  5. Review and Edit:

    • Carefully review the generated content for accuracy, relevance, and quality. Edit as necessary to ensure it meets your standards.
  6. Integrate and Use:

    • Integrate the AI-generated content into your workflow, whether it’s publishing a blog post, using generated images in a marketing campaign, or incorporating generated code into a project.

A Template to Capture Data While Using Generative AI Models

A Demonstration of How to Present the Output of Generative AI Models

Presentation Steps:

  1. Introduction:

    • Briefly explain the project and the role of generative AI in achieving its goals.
  2. Input Data and Model Selection:

    • Describe the input data or prompts used and the chosen AI model.
  3. Process Overview:

    • Outline the steps taken to generate the output.
  4. Results:

    • Present the generated content using visual aids such as screenshots, text excerpts, or graphs.
    • Highlight key metrics or features of the output.
  5. Review and Edits:

    • Discuss the review process and any edits made to the generated content.
  6. Conclusion:

    • Summarize the impact of using generative AI on the project’s efficiency and quality.
    • Discuss any limitations encountered and potential future improvements.

Additional Resources for Study

  1. Books:

    • "Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans" by Melanie Mitchell
    • "Deep Learning" by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville
  2. Online Courses:   

  3. Websites and Blogs 

By following these guidelines and utilizing these resources, entry-level professionals in IT and communication can effectively integrate generative AI models into their workflows, enhancing productivity, creativity, and efficiency.


List of Generative AI Models and Their Strengths

1. DALL-E 2 (by OpenAI)


Best For:

2. ChatGPT (by OpenAI)


Best For:

3. GPT-4 (by OpenAI)


Best For:

4. MidJourney


Best For:

5. Stable Diffusion


Best For:

6. BERT (by Google)


Best For:

7. BioBERT


Best For:

8. Jasper (formerly Jarvis)


Best For:

9. GPT-3 (by OpenAI)


Best For:

These generative AI models are designed to excel in different areas, making them suitable for a variety of professional applications from creative industries to healthcare and marketing. Each model's strengths align with specific tasks, enabling users to choose the right tool for their needs. 

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