Giving and Receiving Feedback

Throughout your project you have received feedback from multiple sources, and you have given feedback to your teammates, Mentor TA coordinator, and your instructor. Most of this giving and receiving of feedback was directed by your instructor and the course instructions and direction. Your instructor required you to give and receive this feedback because they know how powerful feedback can be in helping you craft a professional career.

As you leave college you will need to seek feedback on your own to continue to gain the benefit and continue to craft your professional characteristics. As you take on future projects during your professional career, we encourage you to come back to review this textbook and follow the processes for completing a successful project and creating additional career enhancing improvements.

There are no guarantees that you will always be able to stay in the job you will start with after college. There is always the possibility that your position will be discontinued, your company will downsize, or your job could become obsolete. While you cannot be guaranteed that an individual job will always be there, you can guarantee that you will always be able to find and gain a professional career job. An important way to create this guarantee is to:

After you leave school, you will need to be proactive in giving and receiving feedback in your professional network. The processes and approaches outlined in this textbook can be extremely helpful throughout your career in completing successful projects and enhancing your professional network and resume/portfolio. 


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