Having Faith to Step Into the Unknown

Developing a work plan can be intimidating. It may require you to plan activities and processes that you have never done before. You may be thinking, "What if I can't do it? What if I fail?"

There is a first time for everything. Your life will be full of doing things for the first time or even doing things you tried before that didn't work. As you develop your work plan you need to be open to the possibilities, prayerfully consider your options, and then move forward without fear. Faith is the antidote for fear. As you have faith in Jesus Christ and what he can do with you, you can have confidence. A wise mother (Dorthy McCarty) once said: "Two people can accomplish anything, as long as one of them is The Lord".

Watch this video by Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles to see how he proposes that you must take action with Faith for the miracles to occur. 




Faith requires action. You and your team will need to step into the unknown as you implement your work plan and create your deliverables. Have the faith to follow your work plan to a successful completion. Now go forward and develop a work plan with the faith that you will succeed. And the Lord will help you succeed in your righteous desires.

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