Search Engine Optimization (SEO)


Search Engine Optimization is the process of designing a web page to optimize the likelihood that a search engine will find your site most relevant for a given search parameter.



There may be circumstances where paid advertising (e. g. AdWords) will be needed to support and increase traffic to your webpage to reach the desired results of your marketing program.

Beware of outdated methodologies like cloaking that can hurt your relevance ranking.


Step-by-step process:

Google recommends the following to get better rankings in their search engine:


Because of the availability of free training online (see resource below) we will not go into the details of SEO training here, but there are many critical tools for implementing SEO:

Determine which keywords will attract your target audience and will drive the largest volume of visitors to your page.

Determine which SEO tactics will make your website most relevant to your selected keywords (keywords, links, etc.)

Determine where your traffic is coming from:

Test the impact of your keyword choices and SEO tactics by:

Create charts, tables, and graphs to indicate changes in website traffic and revenues based on SEO implementation over time.

Template for capturing data:

Output representation and recommendations:

Create charts, tables, and graphs to indicate changes in website traffic and revenues based on SEO implementation over time. Separate your tracking of traffic to your site by:


See additional training and examples of implementing the process:

Moz SEO TrainingLinks to an external site.

Additional resources:

Here are a lot of training resources for SEO: How to Learn SEO Completely Free

Pick the Google starter kit to get started and try others if you choose 

Search Engine Land (SEO Resources)Links to an external site.

Google Analytical SolutionsLinks to an external site.

Clicky Web AnalyticsLinks to an external site.


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