Specific Needs Sections

Your report will need to include specific needs sections. These sections will provide detailed elements of your report to meet the specific needs of your audience. Your report should include an executive summary and appendix, and it may include a user's guide if your project needs one. 

Executive Summary

An executive summary is for the decision makers, your sponsor, or your sponsor’s company. It should only be one page in length, and it should establish the following:


An appendix should include all the data sources from which you derived your conclusions. Regardless of whether your project was recommendation or activity-based, both reports should include the following items in their appendix:

User’s Guide

A user’s guide is created for those who are going to implement your solutions or re-create any activities you have done. This includes any directions for tools you used or created or activities you carried out. Your user’s guide may include some of the following elements:

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