Chapter 2

Roles and Responsibilities

This chapter outlines the crucial roles and responsibilities of team members participating in project-based work experience, emphasizing accountability to various stakeholders including sponsors, peers, academic institutions, and personal development goals. Team members are expected to contribute professionally by engaging actively in project planning, execution, and communication, maintaining high standards of integrity and confidentiality. Additionally, the chapter details specific team roles such as Project Manager and Sponsor Liaison, each with distinct responsibilities that support the project's success. This structured approach ensures that students not only deliver quality work but also gain valuable skills and experience relevant to their future careers, while upholding the reputation of their educational institution.

Team Member Responsibilities

As a project team member, you have responsibilities to the team's sponsor, the other team members, your school, and your best interest. By accepting a position on the team, you are accountable to the following:

Sponsor of the team

Other Team Members

Your School

Your own best interest


To be sure to meet these responsibilities with integrity and receive the full benefit of this experiential learning experience, you should:


Enjoy this opportunity, grow in your abilities and experience, and make Ensign College proud of your efforts. There will be times when you are frustrated, confused, overwhelmed, discouraged, and down-hearted… But that is just a sign that you are on the verge of great learning and new insights into your capabilities. Use your advisors, mentors, and course Instructor to help you over the difficult parts of the project and have great success. 

Team RolesTA Coordinator and Company Sponsor ResponsibilitiesOptional Reading: Company Sponsor ResponsibilitiesOptional Reading: TA Coordinator Responsibilities

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