Team Roles

You will have the opportunity to fill a team role as part of your project-based work experience. You may find yourself filling one or two roles. Roles include: 

Read through the responsibilities of each role and choose your top two roles to write in the space provided below. When you meet with your team, you will decide who will take on which roles. Some important things to think about: 

Explanation of Team Roles

Though members of the team will have many responsibilities associated with creating the work product of the project, many administrative functions of the team need to be managed across the project. The following roles are common to all projects, and it is imperative that each role be fulfilled by members of the team. Team roles should be assigned by consensus within the team and should be documented and reported on the Team tab of your Dashboard within the first two weeks of the semester. While the responsibilities of each role are vital to any project, the ownership of those responsibilities is relatively flexible. Teams should feel free to trade and delegate tasks and responsibilities as appropriate to complete their project most effectively. Also, teams with more or less than five members should feel free to assign co-ownership of responsibilities to multiple team members or for team members to have more than one role.

Deliverables Manager

Project Manager

Report Manager

Sponsor Liaison

Team Leader

Reflection Questions

What are the top two roles you would like to fill in your project? 

What are your reasons for wanting those roles?

Next week, you will have the opportunity to meet with your team for the first time and decide on team roles. Watch the video below to see an example of a team choosing their roles.

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