Chapter 11

The Final Presentation

The Final Presentation: Outcomes Based on Interaction Level

Student Level: 

  • Create a top-down professional management presentation. 

Professional-in-waiting Level (all the student-level outcomes, plus):

  • Create a decision-oriented presentation for top executives that will stand on its own for those not in attendance at your presentation. 

Professional Level (all previous level outcomes, plus):

  • Use a top-down executive summary to create a skeleton of your final presentation. Then, populate your Minto-style presentation with key graphs, charts, tables, and quotations that will support the recommendations. 
  • Practice, practice, practice your professional management presentation.  

Presentation Development Process

There are many ways in which you can create a final presentation. Most of them involve various sidetracks, start-overs, and do-overs in the process. However, many professionals have found through personal experience that following the Presentation Development Process is the quickest and most efficient way to create a final presentation with the least amount of time, resources, and effort. Below are the steps you will need to follow: 

Use the Final Report and Executive Summary to create the Final Presentation.

  1. Create recommendations based on conclusions and information from your project. 
  2.  Create documentation that is articulated in your final report.
    • Capture the project process, conclusions, and recommendations.
    • Provide the supporting information that proves those conclusions.
    • Illustrate the analysis of your findings through charts, tables, and quotations from experts or customers (or both).
    • Archive interview notes, raw data, surveys, and so on in the appendix.
  3. Create a one-page executive summary using the top-down approach.
  4. Create a final decision-oriented presentation.
    • Create a skeleton decision-oriented presentation following the outline of the executive summary.
    • Add key point takeaways to each content slide. The content slide key takeaways at the top of each page should tell a stand-alone story of your presentation.
    • Populate the slides with graphs, charts, bullet points, and quotations from your final report to support the key takeaway at the top of the slide.

By following this simple process, you can quickly and efficiently create your final presentation. When you are creating your final presentation, our hope is that you get to your destination quickly and efficiently. The presentation development process is the most efficient way of creating your presentation.

The Pyramid PrincipleExamples of Executive Decision Making PresentationsCreating the Slides for Your PresentationThe Final Presentation and Final Report Work Together and Support Each Other

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