Training Development


The process used by a company to develop their employees' skills, cultural awareness, leadership, teamwork, and other characteristics that will improve their productivity and value to the organization.


How is it used: Training and development is a joint concern of management and employees to meet the needs of the employee and the company. For programs to be successful, both the company and the employee need to do their part, according to HRCOUNCIL.CA these include:

Where: There are two primary training methods: On-the-Job Techniques and Off-the-Job Techniques. There are wide varieties of each, but provides the following list:

Why: reports that research has shown specific benefits that a small business receives from training and developing its workers, including:



Step-by-step process:

  • Analysis: Determining what is the needs of the organizations, the current situation and gaps that exist, and the desired outcomes of training and development.
    • Look at the organization's goals and plans to determine what skills, learnings, and capabilities need to be available in the organization.
    • Look at the individual jobs to be sure that all of the necessary skill levels and capabilities are articulated.
    • Determine the level of employee skills and capabilities in the current organization and the new hires entering the company
    • Identify the gaps that exist between the desired state and the current skills, capabilities, and behaviors of the current workforce and new hires
  • Design: Create an educational plan to close the gaps that exist in the current workforce. Identify the types of learning experiences to be included in the training and development plan, which could include:
    • On-the-Job training, mentoring, coaching, partnering, documentation, job rotation, apprenticeships and other forms experiential learning
    • Classroom instruction including lecture, role-playing, video demonstration, etc.
    • Field studies where employees are taken to see things done in the way we want to change our organization
    • Programmed training
  • Development: Once designed, there needs to be the actual development of the training tools and elements with individual plans and role-plays built. Some of the outputs include:
    • Training manual
    • Student materials
    • Train the trainer course
    • Audio Visual elements of the course
    • Computer simulations and programmed learning elements
    • Evaluation surveys and feedback mechanisms
  • Implementation: All of the details of implementing the training need to be planned and completed, such as:
    • Student selection for each training element
    • Location, time and equipment scheduling
    • Production of all of the materials to be used in class
    • Trainers identified and scheduled for the training event
    • Communication with managers before, during, and after the training event to get their support, encouragement, and follow-up with their employees that participate in the training.
  • Evaluation: Evaluation is critical in determining if the training met its stated outcomes and to continue to improve the training to increase the effectiveness of the outcomes.
    • Evaluation by the designers to see that the goals and outcomes of the class are met through the training event
    • Evaluation by the trainers to see if the design elements were sufficiently engaging with the students to cause change to occur in their understanding and planned actions
    • Evaluation by the students to get their feedback on the effectiveness of the training and their satisfaction with the experience
    • Evaluation by the student's supervisor to see if they can tell a difference in the employee's ability to implement their new learnings in their job
    • Measurement of employee skills and capabilities prior to the training and after the training to determine that actual improvement occurs in their capabilities and performance on the job.

Template for capturing data:

Output representation and recommendations:

The actual training materials is normally the output and recommendation of the training and development program.


USPS Training and Development 

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