
Succeeding in a Project-Based Work Experience
Chapter 1 outlines the structure and objectives of CAR 300R, a Project-Based Work Experience designed to simulate a professional work environment through a structured academic course. Students will engage in a real-world project provided by a company sponsor, working collaboratively within a team to solve pressing problems over a 14-week period. The course emphasizes practical experience in organizing, scheduling, and communication, highlighting the importance of over-communicating and challenging oneself to grow professionally. The project also involves various levels of interaction, from student to professional, encouraging students to determine their desired impact and involvement, which directly influences the outcomes of their experience. The chapter encourages students to harness resources effectively, including the use of AI and an extensive experiential learning library, to deliver professional results and prepare for the workforce by embodying leadership qualities and ethical standards.
Roles and Responsibilities
This chapter outlines the crucial roles and responsibilities of team members participating in project-based work experience, emphasizing accountability to various stakeholders including sponsors, peers, academic institutions, and personal development goals. Team members are expected to contribute professionally by engaging actively in project planning, execution, and communication, maintaining high standards of integrity and confidentiality. Additionally, the chapter details specific team roles such as Project Manager and Sponsor Liaison, each with distinct responsibilities that support the project's success. This structured approach ensures that students not only deliver quality work but also gain valuable skills and experience relevant to their future careers, while upholding the reputation of their educational institution.
Project Definition
This chapter explores the necessity of thoroughly understanding a project beyond its initial description. Often, a project's initial goals may no longer align with the company's current objectives, or the sponsor's requests may not fully capture the underlying needs. This chapter underscores the importance of aligning the project team's deliverables with the company’s strategic goals and the real value the project is intended to create. The chapter includes strategies for deepening the understanding of the project’s purpose through critical questioning and effective communication with the sponsor, ultimately leading to the creation of a more relevant and impactful work plan and deliverables.
Communicating with Your Sponsor and Team
This chapter emphasizes the importance of understanding the complexities inherent in communicating with project sponsors and team members during a project-based work experience. Key to this chapter is the notion that the initial project description provided by the sponsor may be perceived differently by students due to diverse backgrounds and experiences, leading to a gap between the sponsor's intentions and the team's understanding. Through exploring communication theories and the Abilene Paradox, students will learn how to effectively decode messages, clarify objectives, and advocate for value-driven project outcomes. The chapter provides strategies to avoid common communication pitfalls and ensure that project activities align with the sponsor's true needs, enhancing both the learning experience for the students and the project's value to the sponsor.
The Work Plan 
This chapter is designed to guide students in orchestrating and managing extensive project-based work experience effectively. It emphasizes the necessity of crafting a detailed work plan that not only outlines deliverables, tasks, and timelines but also integrates tools such as Gantt charts and action registers to ensure a structured and transparent workflow. Through a step-by-step approach, the chapter outlines the development of these plans, the strategic assignment of tasks within a team, and the pivotal role of communication with sponsors to align expectations and track progress. Essential for both educational and professional success, this chapter provides foundational skills in project management, aiming to enhance students' capabilities to manage complex projects and develop their potential in a professional setting.
Finding Experts and Managing Your Sponsor
This chapter provides essential guidelines on leveraging expert advice and effectively managing project sponsors. It introduces the "3 Phone Call Rule" to help readers efficiently locate subject-matter experts through a strategic calling process, enhancing their professional networking skills and project outcomes. Additionally, the chapter discusses the challenges of working with project sponsors, highlighting the need to understand and adapt to their varying management styles and communication preferences. Practical strategies are offered to address common issues such as non-responsiveness and micromanagement, enabling students to optimize sponsor relationships and project success.
Building a Network
This chapter summarizes the importance of intentional relationship-building, emphasizing that professional interactions with colleagues, instructors, and others can significantly influence future mentorship and employment opportunities. Additionally, it highlights key strategies for maintaining these relationships after this project.
Equal Involvement of All Team Members
This chapter underscores the need for intentional practices to ensure that all team members can equally influence decisions and contribute to the team's output. The recommended articles provide practical advice for fostering an inclusive environment where every voice is heard, thereby improving team dynamics and decision-making processes.
The Midterm Report
This chapter discusses the significance and execution of a midterm report, emphasizing its role in evaluating project progress and adjusting paths forward with stakeholders. The report serves as a crucial checkpoint to confirm the relevance of project scope and deliverables, update sponsors on achievements, and propose necessary changes based on learnings. Additionally, the chapter offers insights on how to best receive critical feedback and stresses the importance of emotional resilience and avoiding negative thinking patterns towards yourself or others.