
GoogleGoogle DriveYoutube VideoEmbedded VideoExternal ResourcesFilePublic VideoPublic Zip FileSlideshowVertical Bar KeyWord Processing Document

Artifacts are external resources (links) that you can embed within a chapter. You can access the "Artifact Links" field in the chapter "Settings." Enter a new link on each line of the "Artifact Links" field, and the chapter will attempt to embed the resource.

Access Requirements

To be properly embedded, any linked resources must be made available to the public on their original site and must also allow for embedding.


You can include headings between artifacts by including a line of plain text before or after links. Here's an example that would place a heading that says "Video" before an embedded video:


Forced Embedding

Most links will be properly embedded automatically. However, you can also force a link to be embedded a particular way by including the desired type code in the link line, separated by a vertical bar character. (The vertical bar key is found below the backspace key on most keyboards.) Table 1 provides a list of available artifact types. Here's an example that would force a zip file in Google Drive to be embedded as an Articulate Storyline element:


Table 1

Available Embeddable Artifact Types

Type Code Description
Articulate Storyline storyline A public zip file of a storyline hosted in Google Drive.
Box Folder box A public folder hosted in Box.
Google Doc gdoc A public Google word processing document.
Google Drive File gdrive A public file hosted in Google Drive (e.g., PDF).
Google Drive Folder gdrive-folder A public folder hosted in Google Drive.
Google Sheet gsheet A public Google spreadsheet.
Google Slide gslide A public Google slideshow.
Vimeo Video vimeo A public video on Vimeo.
YouTube Video youtube A public video on YouTube.
Web Link link A simple link to an external resource. (This is the default.)

Link Text

Each embedded resource will also have a link to view the resource in a new window. To adjust the visible text of this link, simply add your text to the artifact line separated by a vertical bar character.

Click here to see it |
storyline | Open the Storyline |


By default, artifacts are shown before the chapter contents. You can change this in the chapter's settings by adjusting the Artifact Placement setting.

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