
Generative AI Images
Generative AI has revolutionized the field of image creation, enabling computers to autonomously generate realistic and visually appealing images. Generated AI images eliminate the need for copyright and privacy concerns as they are solely produced by the AI system. Explore user-friendly platforms like Leonardo.ai , Craiyon, DALL-E that offer tools for creating images with generative AI.
LilxAPI is a simpler, flat version of xAPI. Each statement is required to have only three properties: actor, verb, and object. Each property is limited to a single value. Statements may be formed either as a JSON object with name-value pairs or as an array.
Community Meeting 2021
This presentation was delivered on December 9, 2021 as part of our inaugural EdTechBooks.org Strategic Planning Meeting. In this meeting, we explained the current state of the site and provided the community with opportunities to give feedback, ask questions, and shape priorities for the site's future.