Publication Information
SeriesBYU Humanities
LicenseCC BY-SA

Writing in the Social Sciences


Writing in the Social Sciences is an advanced writing textbook that focuses on skills specific to careers in the social sciences. Its authors employ a personable writing style and engaging instructional design to share their expertise. Unit 1 introduces discourse communities, the rhetorical situation, available writing tools, mindful writing, and the writing process. Students will master good grammar and mechanics and a more sophisticated, audience-oriented style including visual design and tables and figures. Unit 2 focuses on writing for academic audiences including finding and evaluating sources and discussing and citing sources. Students will define literature reviews and learn the steps of composing a literature review: taking notes, synthesizing, organizing, drafting, and revising. They will also learn how to create compelling proposals. In Unit 3, students will focus on writing for general audiences including applying for jobs and graduate schools and writing public texts such as emails, memos, social media posts, blogs, infographics, and opinion editorials. In the final chapter, they’ll learn how to create engaging oral and poster presentations.

Table of Contents

Writing in the Social Sciences is an advanced writing textbook that focuses on skills specific to careers in the social sciences. Its authors employ a personable writing style and engaging instructional design to share their expertise. Unit 1 introduces discourse communities, the rhetorical situation, available writing tools, mindful writing, and the writing process. Students will master good grammar and mechanics and a more sophisticated, audience-oriented style including visual design and tables and figures. Unit 2 focuses on writing for academic audiences including finding and evaluating sources and discussing and citing sources. Students will define literature reviews and learn the steps of composing a literature review: taking notes, synthesizing, organizing, drafting, and revising. They will also learn how to create compelling proposals. In Unit 3, students will focus on writing for general audiences including applying for jobs and graduate schools and writing public texts such as emails, memos, social media posts, blogs, infographics, and opinion editorials. In the final chapter, they’ll learn how to create engaging oral and poster presentations.
Ensign College

Ensign College

CC BY-SA: This work is released under a CC BY-SA license, which means that you are free to do with it as you please as long as you (1) properly attribute it and (2) share any derivative works under an open license.

The publisher Ensign College does not have a physical location, but its primary support staff operate out of Provo, UT, USA.

The publisher Ensign College makes no copyright claim to any information in this publication and makes no claim as to the veracity of content. All content remains exclusively the intellectual property of its authors. Inquiries regarding use of content should be directed to the authors themselves.

URL: https://ensign.edtechbooks.org/writing

(2020). Writing in the Social Sciences. Ensign College. https://ensign.edtechbooks.org/writing
Cristie Cowles Charles

Brigham Young University

Cristie Cowles Charles teaches writing and literature courses at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. She enjoys sparking a love for writing in her students--or at least a love for having had written (it's always worth it in the end, right?). She thinks pumpkin pie counts as a vegetable, is married to a super hot mechanical engineering and neuroscience professor (yes, they exist), and adores her five magnificent children.

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