
Editor and Project Manager

Cristie Cowles Charles


Cristie Cowles Charles, Nicole Clawson, Brooke Downs, Laura Dutson, Julie Haupt, Brian Jackson, Jill Larsen, Jon Ostenson, Brittany Passmore, and Elise Silva


Joyce Adams, Cristie Cowles Charles, Nicole Clawson, Emily Darowski, Brooke Downs, Laura Dutson, Julie Haupt, Brian Jackson, Jill Larsen, Jon Ostenson, Josh Price, Elise Silva, Delys Snyder, Phillip Snyder, Candice Stratford, and Michael Whitchurch

We'd also like to thank Emily Baker and Suzy Bills from BYU Faculty Publishing Services for their generous feedback.

Graphic Designer

Brian Collier

Technical Support

Thanks to Royce Kimmons, Assistant Professor in BYU's Instructional Psychology and Technology department and creator of the and websites.


Patrick Ciaschi, Ben Hill, Kurt Sandholtz, and Lisa Thomas 


Thank you to the Friends of the Harold B. Lee Library and the Harold B. Lee Library at Brigham Young University for the generous grant funding they provided and for their mission to support the creation of open educational resources for BYU students. We are grateful for the support and guidance we received from BYU's Digital Learning Services Librarian Michael Whitchurch throughout this project. 
We similarly thank BYU's General Education program and the English Department for their generous matching grants that also funded the development of this book and its counterpart Advanced Writing.


We welcome any feedback you have for this book. Please email if you have a question, notice typos, come across problems, have suggestions, or simply want to make our day with a compliment.


This book is dedicated to the unsung heroes who teach university writing courses—most of whom are adjunct faculty with full family lives and outside responsibilities—who often juggle heavy grading loads, shared offices, and uncertain professional futures in order to do what we love: teach. This textbook comes from that same labor of love. It's also dedicated to our vibrant students who make our efforts worth it. Thanks to our departments who support us and our colleagues who encourage us. Most especially, this book is dedicated to our families who sacrificed significantly for us to add this worthy workload to our plates and to God who directed our paths.

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